
Saturday, August 4, 2012

QR Code Library Orientation

Yesterday was the first day our media center was open for the 2012-2013 school year!  All four of the fifth grade classes came in for their first library visit of the year.  To remind our students of our library rules and procedures, I created a QR code scavenger hunt.  I developed 12 questions to teach/remind students about media center resources and where materials are located.  I created the QR codes using Kaywa.  We are fortunate enough to have 20 iPads in our media center with the Scan bar code/QR code reader app.  Students worked in pairs.  One student wrote answers on the scavenger hunt sheet and the other scanned the QR code.  Then they traded so each student had the opportunity to scan six codes.  My students were so engaged in this activity!  Even students who are regularly unmotivated were cooperative, careful with the iPad, and they even completed the entire scavenger hunt!  See below for  link to my QR code library orientation scavenger hunt on Slideshare!



  1. Love it! I had big plans to use QR codes in my orientations this year, but alas, it did not happen. I might just borrow your questions for next year. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this! Plan on using your outline. I am decorating the library in QR Codes, Tagxedos and other technology to support our school devices and love of technology.

  3. The Qr code scavengers are so developed with fortunate kaywa. It is the best scan bar for the enough applications orientations entire.

    qr code tracking

  4. When the kids scanned the QR code, what would come up? A clue or a website?
